Saturday, July 03, 2010

He's Got a Spinna for a Face!?!

B and I love it when we happen to run into Spinnaface. He's a DJ (I guess that's what you call him) who has a sort of hubcab apparatus attached to his face. He keeps it spinning while he does what he does. He's got a fabulous theme song, too, that contains the helpfully descriptive lyrics, "He's got a spinna for a face. His face is a spinna!" (or something pretty close to that anyway). And he inspires people with backpacks and totebags to start dancing spontaneously, so naturally I am a HUGE fan. Check out the video. Note: Mr. Montana may look bag-free, but that bag on the curb? You guessed it. It's his. If you watch closely, you can see him unexpectedly snatch it up (at about 1:14) and continue on his way.

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