Thursday, July 27, 2006

Scenes from Last Thursday

I'm too busy too blog, but I wasn't too busy to go to Last Thursday.

Surrounded By Guns and Blowtorches
What an amazing juxtaposition! A disembodied head (always a favorite theme with me), with a singularly arresting expression on its face, surrounded by pottery guns and blow torches. I actually walked back and asked the artist if she minded if I snapped a photo. She said, “Go right ahead.” I commented on the amazing juxtaposition and she said she hadn’t even noticed it. Then she asked me if I was the person who came by her house on Hawthorne and took some pictures of her chihuahuas. Nope. That wasn’t me.

Caterpillar with Ears
Thin and angry.

Stuff on a Blue Tarp
One of the great things about Last Thursday and that anyone can throw a tarp down on the sidewalk, set up business for the evening, and start raking in cash (in theory).

This is hands-down, without a doubt, absolutely the best thing I saw all evening. A filthy old hibachi reducing some WinCo hot dogs to crispy, charred carcinogeneity. One dollar please!


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